Why 98point6 Technologies?

1. Proven technology
Technology hardened by 6+ years of use by more than 100 clinicians to deliver care to an eligible patient population of more than 3 million.

2. Powerful application
More than 900 conditions and 4000+ ICD-10 codes treated.

3. Automated Assistant
Automated Assistant handles 80% of the medical interview and automatically generated visit documentation for review by the clinician.

4. Reduce clinician time
Active clinician time is reduced by 50% or more

Ryan Fix, President Retail Health at MultiCare

“Our strategic partnership with 98point6 will help us scale our digital capabilities to meet community demand and bring a new level of meaningful engagement to our customers.”

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Everyone is looking to capture your primary care patients. 98point6 is a proven virtual care platform that lets your system compete in a new way.

Just the facts

  • Scalable, white labeled, cloud-based infrastructure to power your hybrid-care strategy
  • Technology hardened by 7+ years providing high-quality, text-based virtual care to millions of eligible patients
  • A robust clinician console that allows you to treat more than 900 conditions and 4000+ ICD-10 codes treated
  • 65% of patients access their Care Plan post-visit
  • Efficiencies reduce active clinician time by >50%